Okay guys this is the cover section! Covers is defined as a collage of pictures to put on the cover of binders, text books or (what it's most used for) sketch books! Now everyone can make these there is really nothing special about them, they're not even well done with cool graphics etc. But i'm posting them anyway ^^ I've done some for my pals and they like me doing them batter than they like doing them themselves (or something) so if you want one too just e-mail me (my adress is on the main page slackers!) and say what you want on it kay? cool!

These are shown in the order i made them in incase you're wondering

Ana's cover
This is Ana's and she's the one who started it all... there was no requests on what should be on it from her besides bishonen!

Pocky's cover
The only request on this was the EVA pic from Crissy's and BISHONEN!!!

David's cover
THE FIRST BOY!!! The requests on this were "-cool ranma pix -that X photo in your room (or similar) -Fushigi Yugi Pics (cool people, shirts on please) -escaflowne (dragon form) -any any other cool anime pics!"

Ally's cover
The requests on this were "-Zelda pix -Fushigi Yugi -Ranma -and anything else"

"Evil" Robin's cover
The request on this one was "Tokiya, Inu-yasha, Sephy-sama, Crono, Squall, Xellos, Zenki, and Heero" la!

David's second cover
David got a new book and he asked for one similar to the last but i didn't like how it turned out so i made this! But Dave liked the other one better -_-

Stef's cover
The request on this one was "bishonen, 'specially Tasuki and Ryouga, and shishi stuffs" if you don't know don't ask?

David's slew of covers

David asked for a whole bunch of covers at the begining of the school year, all being kinda gothic or "something" so that's what he got!

David's slew #1
David's slew #2
David's slew #3

Ally's second cover
Ally asked for her second cover the same time Dave asked for his slew o.O but she asked for a bunch of shows... i ferget what they are now ^^;; but this made her happy! ...except she really didn't like showing the fact that she's like digimon -_-

Ally's third cover
So due to the Digimon Ally had this cover made ^_^ using the same shows she asked for last time! The major joke here was the GWing pic on it was our Science class (no one ever pay attention ^^;;)

Carly's cover
Carly saw Ally getting all these prudie papers from me so she asked for a cover as well... her request was basically "you know what i like!" so i had to wing it ^^;;

Ally's fouth cover
Well Ally goes through sketch books like tissues in flu season apparently and hence asked me for the regular cover theme and i delivered ^^

Ana's second cover
Ana asked me for a cover!! (which she hadn't done for about a year), and just said "Give me bishis I trust you!" and this is what i came up with... she hated it and ended up giving it to Carly (who liked it ^~) but it is still technically Ana's cover :p

Ana's third cover
This is the replacement cover for the "failure" of a cover above ^^;;

Ally's fifth cover
Let's see... Ally has another sketch book and another cover is necesary ^_^

Karyna's cover
As you can see she asked for an all Evangellion cover and so she recieved ^_^. Sorry it took so long but i was away from all computers for about a month T.T stoopid isolation!

Stef's second cover
See lookie... they're comp broke or something so she ha to resort to asking me for a cover ^^ she wanted bishis and fuzziez!

My drill-book cover
Well it's the cover of my drill book the first two deiz i had a shitajaki thrown in there but... i decided against that...... all i have to say was that i was on a massive saiyuki kick

Ana's "drill-book" cover
Well Ana didn't have a real drill book for this band camp cuz she join pit THE SLACKER! but she wanted a cover of bishis to put on her music folder... she didn't mind you but this is what would be on the folder ^^;;

Carly's second cover
Lezee in one of my studies Carly turns to me and goes "didn't you say you would make me a cover?" and so i did ^^ she wanted "guyz, chibiz, and HIDE!" ^_^ oh and cuz she's making me a CD she gotz two! see?